Efficiency estimation of scientific research conducted by masters’ of nursing by means of modern scientometric technologies





nursing, scientific research of Masters’ of Nursing, scientometric database.


Nursing is an important link in health care, providing a wide range of medical care that includes caring, first aid, prevention, rehabilitation, etc. The integration of Ukraine into the international labor market creates new requirements for health insurance. Scientific research in the sphere of nursing is an integral part of the professional training of the nurses. Masters’ of Nursing are involved in the formation of unique scientific knowledge that promotes nursing practices that distinguishes nursing from other professions. One of the important tasks of professional training for Masters' students are forming a scientific communicative competence in order to improve not only their scientific research but also creating favorable conditions for representing the scientific research results with the help of innovative scientometric technologies. As such, the purpose of the article is to analyze the utilization of innovative approaches for assessing the validity of the results of Masters' scientific research by means of modern scientometric technologies. The research methods are as follows: to reach the objectives the cross-correlation analysis is used. The research results are as follows: For 9 years, from 2010 to 2018, Masters created 1037 intellectual property documents. The obtained cross-correlation analysis data establishes a direct relationship between such scientometric indicators as: the total number of publications, the Hirsch index, the number of publications included in the international scientometric database, the number of publications in foreign journals, the number of publications included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine. The analysis enables the formulation of scientific criteria for evaluating the significance of scientific research conducted by Master’s of Nursing. This consists of the ability of the Masters to create intellectual property documents, to disseminate their research to the international scientific community. According to the scientific criteria, the following indicators are proposed: the number of presentations at the international level; the number of certificates confirming scientific development and its presentation at international scientific forums; the quantity and quality of the intellectual property documents; the number of publications included in international scientometric database; the number of publications in foreign languages; the number of publications included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine; the presence of ORCID; the presence of citations by other researchers; presence and value of the Hirsch Index.


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