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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published and has not been sent to other journals for the editors’ consideration (or the comments for the editor below are necessary explanations).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word.
  • Internet links in the text are accompanied by full correct URL addresses.
  • The content of the article should unfold according to the following plan: statement of the problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of the latest publications and scientific research in which the problem has been discussed and which constitute the basis for the author's research; outlining the elements within the main problem that remain unsolved and that the article will deal with; determination of the objectives of the article; presentation of the material of the article along with author's findings; resume of such presentation and perspectives of this problem's investigation in the future. All the above-mentioned elements should be stylistically indicated in the article.

    Technical parameters: format A4; margin 3 sm. Paragraph setting: the first line – 0.5 sm indent, left and right margin –0 mm, line spacing – 1,5., spacing between paragraphs – 0. Teadset Times New Roman Cyr14 pt. without hyphens within a word. It is allowed to single out symbols (text fragments) with the help of bold types, italics and underlining. It is desirable to avoid (where possible) typing the text in capital letters. The title of the article should not contain capital letters only. Direct "quotes" (not even) should be used. When typing the text it is essential to distinguish between a hyphen and a dash (a dash is separated from both sides with the help of the whitespace and is longer than the hyphen). The pages are without numbering. Pictures should be numbered. The formulas are performed in the Equation Editor, inserted into the table.

    The amount of the article – from 0,5 to 0,8 quires (at least 12 pages).

    Materials are located in the following order:

    UDC index (separate paragraph left aligned);

    the initials and the surname of the author / authors (independent paragraph right aligned);

    academic rank, academic degree, position (independent paragraph right aligned);

    place of work: the name of the institution, the name of the place (if it is not included into the name of the institution), the country (for foreign authors);

    personal e-mail address (a separate paragraph right alighted);

    ID number ORCID is presented;

    title (bold type, small letters, a separate paragraph without indenting, center aligned);

    article abstracts in Ukrainian and English are given according to the following outline: the problem, material of investigation, methods of research, results description, conclusions (not fewer than 1800 characters, including key words) (italics, a separate paragraph, center aligned) and key words (a separate paragraph, following abstracts);

    text of the article;

    the list of REFERENCES (in bold type) is given in alphabetical order according to the DSTU 8302:2015.

  • The text conforms to the style and bibliography presented in the Authors Guidelines in the chapter "About the Journal".

  • If the material is submitted to the peer-reviewed section of the journal, the following instructions were followed when filing the submission file Blind Review Guarantees.

Author Guidelines

The list of REFERENCES (in bold type) is given in alphabetical order according to the DSTU 8302:2015 (Appendix 1) + REFERENCES (TRANSLATED & TRANSLITERATED) (no more than 10 sources except historical-pedagogical publications); REFERENCES (TRANSLATED & TRANSLITERATED) (in the original language) are given as a new paragraph. It is recommended that most publications in the literature list be assigned DOI.

Privacy Statement

  1. The users' names and email addresses will be used exclusively for implementation the technical tasks: dispatch of letters on new issue publication and contacting with authors, reviewers and editors within the process of preparing articles for publication.
  2. The Editors don't transmit the users' personal data to third party organizations.
  3. The editors and reviewers are prohibited from disclosing the information submitted in the manuscripts before they are published online.