Problems of professional self-determination of students in higher education institutions
natural abilities, aptitudes, profession, career guidance.Abstract
This article examines the relationship between students’ natural inclinations towards a certain profession and the degree of satisfaction of their chosen profession in different fields of study. The main factors influencing the formation of positive motivation concerning vocational training are analyzed. It has been revealed that along with the natural tendencies towards a chosen profession, the choice of the future profession by the entrant - the future student – is also important. The greatest correlation between the requirements for a profession and the students' natural abilities was observed among the humanities: among these students, 60 % are engaged in occupations of the type "man-man". Most of these students chose their profession independently, guided by their desires and natural abilities to engage in such activities. The natural abilities of students of socio-economic specialties towards the occupations of the type "man-sign system" are not pronounced – typical only for a third. Among those polled, about 70 % chose their own profession, which was a significant proportion. Another motivating factor among students of socio-economic specialties regarding occupation choice was financial incentive, which was present in about 50 % of all respondents. Students of technical specialties meet the requirements for the profession type ‘man-technician’ only in a third of cases. This correlates well with the number of people who indicated their motive of choice as their own natural abilities. Most students, despite possible dissatisfaction with their chosen profession, which sometimes did occur during their studies, plan to work in the specialty they chose in the future.
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