Aspects of Moral Upbringing in Educational Process of Future Pharmacists




morality, mannerliness, self-activity, social intelligence, criteria of moral upbringing.


Morality, as a form of social consciousness, is a set of principles, requirements, norms and rules that regulate human behavior in all spheres of professional and social life. The article deals with aspects of moral education and personality traits of the future pharmacist. The moral development of future pharmacists involves not only the assimilation of norms, but also the standardization, the degree and nature of which may be a criterion for the level of moral self-activity. The above fact cannot but change the understanding of the very essence of moral upbringing, as well as one of its essential manifestations – a moral choice. The content and tasks of moral education are defined, the complex of moral and ethical qualities of future specialists, which are formed in the process of professional training, is characterized, features of moral motivation of future pharmacists are determined. The author of the article offers and analyzes educational technologies for the formation of professional moral upbringing.


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