media education, media pedagogy, media literacy, media culture, media competence, media technologies, media text, mass-media, education and upbringing process, future primary school teacher.Abstract
The article considers different approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "media education" by foreign and domestic scholars. The method of content analysis was used in order to conduct research procedures and the definition in 25 sources from three scientific directions was analyzed: pedagogical, psychological and sociological (partly).
The author's formulation of the concept of "media education" is presented, which is understood as a process of personal development through and based on the media (television, radio, cinema, Internet, etc.), aimed at forming an information culture, critical thinking, preparing the younger generation for life in the information society and, as a result, achieving a certain level of media literacy.
The necessity and prospects of introduction of media education in the educational process of higher education institutions (HEIs) are revealed in the general context, as they form the media competence of future primary school teachers.
The aim, key tasks, principles of media education are defined. The didactic aspect of media education is described, as well as the main forms of its implementation, namely: integrated, formalized, extracurricular and out-of-school. The main directions of effective development of the media education system in Ukraine are stated.
Thus, media education is a leading direction of state development and an integral part of the educational process. The main task of media education is to prepare society for life in the information space, so the international organization UNESCO recommends media education for inclusion in the national curricula of all countries, in the system of additional, non-formal and "lifelong learning (lifelong continuos education)".
Mass-media, creating a special media space, influence the formation of social, moral, civic, aesthetic values and interests of an individual. Therefore, the mass-media is an important factor influencing the consciousness and worldview of the younger generation. Hence the need to educate a media-competent consumer: the development of cognitive interests, critical thinking, creative abilities of schoolchildren and students through the media and on the material of the media. We see prospects for further research in identifying and justifying the directions of development of media education for future primary school teachers in Ukrainian universities.
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