cultural conformity, non-formal education, specialized art education, music school, pop vocal pedagogy, problems, trends, prospects, principles.Abstract
The article offers an analysis of native and foreign theoretical and methodological research on issues the main tendencies of modern non-formal music education in the leading countries of the world and appropriate prospects and proposals for updating of contemporary Ukrainian vocal pedagogy. The research methodology bases on the principle of cultural conformity, and the foundations of holistic-emergent and praxiological approaches. The main problems of Ukrainian pop vocal education are noted, namely: the lack of theoretical and methodological basis and educational and textbook for institutions of specialized art education; inconsistency with contemporary trends in world music culture and personal desires of students; insufficient material and technical support of music schools. The main trends of world music education are highlighted, such as: the priority of practical and independent forms of musical activity and active methods of learning; combination of traditions and innovations; rapprochement of national musical cultures and various arts; focus on creative self-realization of students and communication; introduction of innovative approaches and the technologies to learning. Such prospects of introduction of world tendencies in Ukrainian pop vocal pedagogy are outlined as: active involvement of students in independent creative exercises, interpretation and improvisation; equal use of Ukrainian and world classical and non-classical music of various styles and genres, jazz and blues; participation in group interaction; use of the innovative technologies and ICT. The author's principles which are directed on optimization of educational process according to modern tendencies and prospects are offered. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of using the experience of informal music education in institutions of specialized art education.References
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