6-year-old first grader, socio-moral activity, social behaviour, interactions with others, moral choice, ability to expand moral norms, responsibility, humanity, honesty.Abstract
The article deals with the results of diagnosis of levels of social and moral activity formation of 6-year-old children. Social and moral activity is a form of activity connected with the entry of a child into society, the acquisition of socially acceptable and approved forms of behavior, the assimilation of moral norms. Formation of social and moral activity of 6 year-old first graders who was assessed by the following indicators: the formation of ways of social behavior and ability to interact with others; ability to make moral choices; ability to expand moral standards; observance of the moral norm of generosity (humanity); observance of moral standards of honesty in behavior; observance of the moral norm of responsibility. The analysis of the methods conducted allowed us to determine the general levels of social and moral activity formation of first graders. Zero level was demonstrated by 31,2 % of first graders, elementary level was revealed by 18,8 % of children, sufficient – by 38,5 % of children, high level was demonstrated by 11,6 % of first graders. Diagnostic results have shown that first graders are not sufficiently active in establishing interaction, and have difficulty coordinating their actions with the actions of their peers. Most of them occasionally show the ability to make moral choices, but are in capable of extending moral standards. Humane behaviors were detected only when the violation threatens a joint interaction (a game) that was of great interest to the child at the moment (when they want to satisfy their own interests). As a rule, first graders display generosity norm only after reminders and requests from others. Honesty standards in neutral and rewarding situations are observed; when punished, the standard of honesty is almost always violated. Discipline in most cases is only formed at elementary level. This situation proves the need for purposeful work with 6-year-old first graders in order to educate them in social and moral activity.References
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