


self-organization, axiology, values, axiological approach, future lecturer in higher education, professional activity, professional training a lecturer, organizational and pedagogical conditions.


The article presents the requirements for the personality of a modern lecturer in higher education in the context of changes and innovations in the higher education system. The signs of the lecturer's activity as an open, nonlinear, self-organizing system are presented. It is noted that the training of future lecturers in higher education to self-organization in professional activities should be carried out taking into account the axiological approach. The subject-object nature of values is characterized on the basis of the analysis of scientific works. Emphasis is placed on introducing the value of "lifelong learning" and the value of self-organization. It is noted that the use of the axiological approach in the professional training of future lecturers in higher education to self-organization in professional activities involves updating the content of education, the system of forms, methods and means of training. The principles of forming the value of self-organization in masters are determined: the humanistic nature of the educational process; awareness of the value of knowledge about self-organization; systematic formation of valuable experience of master students; relationship with professional activity; emotionality and reflectivity of the educational process. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of future lecturers’ skills of self-organization are outlined: enrichment of the content of disciplines with the theory and practice of forming the value of self-organization; informing and motivating about the value of self-organization; creation of a favorable professional environment of a higher education institution; formation of experience of self-organization in the process of research and production practices. The means of forming the value of self-organization in future specialists are named: axiological content of academic disciplines; pedagogical motivation; educational and professional environment; research and production practice. Prospects for further analysis are the consideration of technologies for the formation of valuable professional experience of future professionals in the educational environment of higher school.


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