acmeology, health, acmeological principles, technology, level, indicator, professionally oriented, professional physical fitness, component, health-preserving, agricultural specialties students.Abstract
The greatest value under fundamental human rights is one’s life and health. The formation process foundations of harmoniously developed personality of the future specialist of the agro-industrial sector are laid in higher education. Its fundamental aspects are: good health, negative attitudes towards bad habits, the healthy lifestyle formation, achieving high and sustainable performance through exercise and sports. And that is why the acmeological component of health formation and preservation is especially important, because it acquires the deeper meaning in the context of solving modern society problems and, above all, human development, physical capabilities, spiritual potential and more. Recognized experts in the field of developmental psychology and acmeology pay the great attention to the human health state, which, of course, depends on harmonious personality formation and its "acme" achievement, its development peak.
The presented article considers acmeological principles of professionally oriented physical education of agricultural specialties students. The professional physical fitness structure of agricultural industry specialists is determined, which includes cognitive, physical and health-preserving components.
However, 100 agricultural specialties students took part in the pedagogical experiment.
Gennadiy Leonidovych Apanasenko’s method was used to determine the level of students’ physical health. The study revealed a positive effect of the acmeological component of professionally oriented physical education on the health-preserving component formation of professional physical fitness of agricultural specialties students. The average somatic health index in the experimental group improved by 9,1 points and was qualitatively consistent with the average level of physical health. At the final study stage, students with low and below average physical health were not found among the experimental group.
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