postgraduate education, future PhDs training, scientific pedagogical research component, experiment, pedagogical experiment, organization, pedagogical experiment organization methods.Abstract
The article actualizes the problem of improving the quality of scientific-pedagogical research and further description and systematization of the obtained results and data by applicants for higher education of the third (educational-scientific) level. An important way to solve the issue of organizational principles of pedagogical experiment in terms of training applicants for the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education specialty 015 Vocational education, fields of knowledge 01 Education / Pedagogy on educational and professional programme "Theory and methods of vocational education" for new educational scientific programmes determine the necessity of graduate students to study the relevant specialty of the discipline "Methods of organization and mathematical methods of processing the results and data of pedagogical experiments." Peculiarities of structure of the mentioned course are analyzed, as well as its practice-oriented context, educational and organizational measures of introduction in the conditions of preparation of applicants of the third (educational-scientific) level of higher education are outlined. The general strategy of teaching the course, based on the semantic and comparative characteristics of the concepts "methods of organizing a pedagogical experiment" and "methods of pedagogical experiment", is revealed. The implementation of this approach is established on the allocation of three conceptual spaces ("pedagogical experiment", "organization", "methodology") and their pairwise coordination through the following concepts: "experiment", "pedagogical experiment", "organization of pedagogical experiment", "method of organization of pedagogical experiment", "methods of pedagogical experiment". Based on a comparative analysis of the concept of "pedagogical experiment organizing methods" on strategic (programmatically-organized historical, logical, technical, organizational, informational, procedural and other tools aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of pedagogical research) and tactical (complex of theoretical and empirical methods, combination of which allows to investigate the pedagogical process in its structural units and parts, comprehensively review the problem under research, all its aspects and parameters) levels diluted didactic tasks of the discipline. Effective mastering of methods of planning of experimental work, mathematical methods of modeling and optimization of research processes by postgraduate students is predicted.
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