comparative studies, educational environment, information and educational environment (IEE), higher medical education institution, composition of the environment, system, cloud services, COVID-19, medical information and educational environment (MIEE), methods of education.Abstract
The article defines the features of training the future doctors, such as those that affect the formation of information-educational environment in medical higher education institutions. The relevant issue is the development of a learning environment for the training of future doctors, the model of which should take into account these features and aims I improving the quality of training. Definitions of the concept of "learning environment" (educational environment) in the historical aspect were analyzed, namely: computer-oriented, personal, information-oriented, educational, virtual, personalized computer-integrated, cloud-oriented, educational environment of distance learning of higher medical education institution and it was determined that the concept of learning environment is considered by the authors as a system or complex, as well as a special technological means, the formation of which can be controlled. It was defined that the concept of "learning environment" has the characteristics of a system, namely: a common goal, links between elements, structure, hierarchical nature, elements of control. The environment creates conditions for the existence of the system, its development and achievement of system goals. It was proposed to define the IEE of a medical higher education institution as a system that is represented by a set of complexes, the interaction of which implements the function of education in a MHEIs, in particular: training, control, inter-subject integration, communication, monitoring of educational activities, modeling. The functions were defined and it was offered to expand the structure of the IEE of the MHEIs in the following blocks: structured database of educational content, database of situational tasks, database of learning scenarios, database of control scenarios, database of online courses, educational content analysis subsystem, block of simulation modeling of biological and physiological processes and objects, electronic resources of departments, electronic journal, electronic catalogue IRBIS and DBSpace repository. The proposed structure of the IEE of medical free economic zones is implemented in Zaporizhzhia State Medical University in the form of a hybrid system of technical resources, information and software services that provide real-time distance learning of medical freelance students. Further perspective direction of our research development is the formalization and expansion of a system of adaptive learning, which is based on cloud services and machine learning.
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