educational and methodological support, bilingual professional training, bilingualism, bilingual education, bilingual academical curriculum, bilingual dictionary, social sphere specialists, professional training.Abstract
This article represents the practical aspects of creating and using bilingual dictionaries in the conditions of future social workers professional training.
Introducing the bilingual education into the educational system of Ukraine is a pressing issue nowadays. Creation and usage of bilingual dictionaries is one of the basic foundations of educational and methodological provision of bilingual professional training in higher educational institutions. The use of bilingual dictionaries is carried out within a certain professional (special) subject. At the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University each subject is developed according to the "Regulations on educational and methodological complex" and has the same structural elements. The Regulations establish the same requirements for the content and design of educational and methodological complexes of educational subjects, which are specified in educational programs and curricula.
It is relevant that the students of the specialty "Social work" actively use "Terminology Bilingual Dictionary: Social Sphere" in the first year of studying within the course "Introduction to the specialty and system of social work services". The basic terms are learned during lectures, practical and laboratory classes, and independent work in both written and oral forms. Also, the mastery of the terms is checked during the final test work and during the exam. This practice of using the bilingual dictionary is also applied during the study of other subjects in the specialty. The process of bilingual training at the university is divided into four stages of training (according to the developed model of bilingual professional training of future social workers), each of which has developed specific teaching and training materials to provide professional training in such a way. The bilingual dictionary contains the most common concepts of social work with the foreign language translation. In the native language terms are interpreted in several variants, with deep explanations, various classifications, typologies and only the specified term and a brief interpretation of the term are provided in a foreign language. The dictionary also contains a short grammar guide to the English language and a phrasebook of the most common scientific cliches and expressions in English. The dictionary was designed to facilitate the work of students in the study of professional (special) subjects in their native and foreign languages.
It is proved that realization of bilingual professional training will provide a conscious attitude of the future specialist to professional activity, development of their outlook, will expand the possibilities of its adaptation in the modern professional, social, informational, scientific realities.
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