creativity, pedagogical conditions of creativity development, mastery learning, sign-and-symbol activities, the technology of creative multilevel information encoding, visual support, the information encoding.Abstract
Despite profound objective and subjective differences, the development of the educational systems of different countries takes place in a single direction – the search for the new values and aims of education. If we take a look at the modern school (educational) programs and books, we will observe the sudden increase of information volumes, first of all, through complication and enrichment of conceptual apparatus. This is a result of the wish of modern education to exclude any lagging behind development of the science, which, in its turn, facilitates and speeds up the development of production, and education. Such a rapid development of modern society leads to emerging of serious contradictions in the system of national education. These contradictions confirm that the extensive way of the education development can’t be too long. As one of the instruments to modernize the education the mind-maps are viewed. The top priority in the development of modern humanitarian education and foreign languages lies in its communicative focus. All the members of the educational process are personally interested in the guaranteed high-quality results, which can be achieved through the technological approach during the high school classes. The necessity of the methodologic solution of the increasing results of educational process, conditioned by the requirements to the class, which have changed and the desire to overcome the contradictions mentioned above facilitated the choice of the topic: "The use of mind-maps for studying foreign languages at high school". The technology of creative multilevel information encoding (analogous to sign-and-symbol activities) is made up of method: mind mapping. Mind maps focus on structuring the contents of a text making use of the principles of information encoding to create a text gestalt by means of encoding verbal information in terms of images, specially designed abbreviations and shortenings. Mind maps can be used for pretty much any thinking or learning task, from studying a subject (such as a new language) to planning your career or even building better habits. They're great for teams to use as well, for group brainstorming and interactive presentations. The methodological base of the research is a psychological concept of the age peculiarities of a personality, the theory of the creative educational activity, the theory of creativity, the thesis of the of Gestalt psychology on the integral perception (gestalt); innovational educational technologies, the theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages of national an foreign scientists. The mind map is the external mirror of your own radiant or natural thinking facilitated by a powerful graphic process, which provides the universal key to unlock the dynamic potential of the brain. In the context of overloading pupils with academic information the issue of applying effective means of its mastering, namely mind maps (mastery learning) allowing of gaining deep and lasting proficiency in academic material in a compressed, verbal and image form, becomes especially relevant.
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