professional circumstances, profession, social work, difficult situation.Abstract
The right to work is regarded as a universal right. Gainful employment is not only a source of livelihood but also a platform for the formation of human attitudes and behaviours. Through his work and his professional career man is trying to realize their life's desires and receive the resources needed to achieve and to maintain certain values. People have to deal with the challenges and problems that their work brings.
One’s professional background determines one’s place and role in the social process of labour. Social work is a helping profession with low social prestige and poor pay. On the other hand, professional helpers are required to have a high level of competence.
All available studies unequivocally indicate that being a social worker in Poland entails a variety of problems. Empirical studies confirm the existence of many difficulties, problems the social workers in Poland faced with. The difficulties experienced by social workers can be divided into those that are related to contacts with social assistance clients, appearing in relationships with superiors, in relationships with colleagues, the difficulties encountered by social workers in the relationships with the representatives of governmental and self-government institutions and non-governmental organizations.
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