out-of-school education, selectives and creativity clubs, distance learning, education process, learning in the conditions of Covid-19 pandemic, mixed learning, out-of-school innovative learningAbstract
The relevance of this topic is due to the burning issues and challenges of today, namely, a detailed review of the organization and functioning of out-of-school educational institutions during quarantine. Given the fact that currently the entire system of education is undergoing a period of fast adaptation to work in the newly created information educational environment, the system of out-of-school education does not stand aside and quickly progresses its developments in this direction.
The article presents the results of the analysis of organization of institutions of out-of-school education during the transition to the provision of educational services using remote technologies in Ukraine under severe quarantine restrictions. The stages passed by all participants of the educational process are clarified and considered in detail, including the mechanisms used by pedagogical workers in establishing communication with pupils, parental community and administration.
A number of normative documents was identified as critical for the sphere under consideration, for they regulated the work of out-of-school educational institutions during the period of mass transition to the distance form of providing educational services. The mechanism of realization of the newly introduced legislative documents by out-of-school educational institutions is reviewed.
The main digital resources used by out-of-school teachers for the organization of distance learning are highlighted.
The issue of organizing the work of the administration for the transition to a remote form of educational services provision is described in detail. The mechanism that provides generalization of information about students’ feedback is analyzed. The work of the psychological service regarding the possible consequences and negative impact of digitalization of learning on the major categories of participants (teachers, students, parents, state officers) is considered and analyzed.
The author points out and highlights the positive and negative aspects of the impact of the introduction of distance learning in selectives and creativity clubs on its members and personnel.
The current state of readiness of out-of-school educational institutions for work in near-to-critical or crisis-based conditions is generalized and described. A number of identified issues requires further investigation into the possibility of providing educational services by corresponding educational institutions with the help of distance learning technologies and ICTs.
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Copyright (c) 2021 O. P. Shubina
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