non-formal education, informal education, adult student, quality of life, development, self-realization.Abstract
The changes taking place in the modern world and in the education system in particular are characterized by continuity and abruptness, but they have a strong impact on people. Modern education is designed to help adults be resilient to change and capable of reactive adaptation based on lifelong learning. The actualization of non-formal and informal education is associated with a change in the social role of education in the information society, the transition from the implementation of the compensatory function to a comprehensive individual personal development. Active life position, participation in social projects, awareness of one's own life and educational goals are important components of ensuring the quality of life of modern man.
The modern concept of quality of life emphasizes the need to implement an authentic way of life, creating opportunities for the development of interpersonal relationships, conditions for various types of leisure, providing those needs that can’t be met only by material values, including educational. An adult during life has a steady need for education, due to the need to realize professional inclinations and abilities, personal interests and aptitudes. In this context, adult education is a tool for ensuring the quality of human life.
In today's world, improving the quality of life is inextricably linked with the development of education, which is a prerequisite for the country's competitiveness in the global division of labor. Successful are those countries that invest in education, its development and long-term growth. Therefore, education is a significant component of the process of ensuring the quality of life of the individual. Participation in trainings, professional communities, workshops, seminars contribute to the formation of an active life position and life trajectory, personal development of an adult and his goal-setting.
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