



English reading, innovative technologies, skills, interactivity, computer-based learning, multimedia textbooks, e-books, multimedia resources.


The article highlights the importance of English reading as a type of linguistic activity that has great cognitive value and actually implements communicative, educational, and developmental function for high school students, and at the same time, considers the specifics of usage of innovative technologies as modern tools for English reading and learning a foreign language in general, as well as the suitability of using innovative technologies in the process of learning foreign languages at schools for high school students. There are many new methods of teaching English, and a necessary condition for choosing a particular method of teaching that is suitable for both teacher and student - knowledge of innovative learning technologies. Innovative technologies have become an integral part of a holistic educational process and can increase its effectiveness, as they affect the student's consciousness, feelings and will, form a creative personality that is able to effectively apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practice in any sphere of public life. English reading is a type of linguistic activity that allows not to imitate, but to reproduce one of the forms of real communication in English. With the help of reading in a foreign language, students get acquainted with the world of their foreign peers, with songs, poetry and fairy tales, available samples of children's fiction of the country whose language is studied. Looking at the process of reading from a psychological point of view, we can say that the process of perception and understanding of the text is directly related to thinking and memory. When a student perceives a text, he identifies the most important links in it and synthesizes them into a single whole. At the same time, memory helps logical and technical thinking. The main principles of integration of innovative technologies in the process of learning English are: movement from whole to separate, student-centred classes, purposefulness and relevance of classes, their focus on achieving social interaction facilitated by teacher’s faith in their students' success, language integration and language acquisition using knowledge from other fields of science. As a result of the use of innovative technologies, an information-rich educational process is created.


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