information and communications technologies (ICTs), competency, competency-based approach, educational process, soft skills, e-learning.Abstract
The article presents the results of the search for optimal forms of cooperation between teachers and students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and distance learning. New realities require teachers to react quickly, make extraordinary decisions and take adequate action for the proper functioning of the education system. The expediency of using the competence approach and interactive teaching methods in the distance educational process is substantial. The dynamics of the use of e-learning elements in Ukrainian higher education institutions is trace in the dynamics, the advantages and disadvantages of this form of education are noted.
Modern education should ensure the formation and comprehensive development of a spiritually rich person who not only has a holistic system of scientific and practical knowledge, but also able to realize themselves according to their own aspirations and abilities, able to navigate the rapid flow of information, has a high culture of thought, social relations and communications. Therefore, one of the important tasks of education is the formation of soft skills. They help to achieve success in life, to find a reasonable balance between academic knowledge and practical skills. The peculiarities of soft skills formation during distance learning are clarify.
It is proposed to involve not only teachers, but also all stakeholders, first of all – students, from whom a lot of good advice can be heard. An example of a modern vision of the role of a teacher and a set of his/her qualities necessary for the successful organization of the educational process from the point of view of the student is presented. Such qualities include high level of knowledge, involvement in professional communities, ability to learn throughout life, use of the latest technologies, participation in social networks, stress resistance, ability to recover from stress, love of the profession and a certain sacrifice.
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