Environmental Impact of Educational Quality Preparation of Students in Higher Education





ICT, higher education, higher education institution, educational process, educational environment


The article deals with the creation of unified information-educational environment of an educational institution, requirements to it, the organization of the educational process based on it, as well as all its constituent parts presented in an educational institution. A promising field of research of the problem of information technologies usage in students' learning activities can become the experimental study of the beliefs of students, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical staff of higher education institutions on e-learning tools and their application in the educational environment. Moreover, it is worthwhile to mention that the problem of effective use of modern ICT disciplines is studied by many professors of higher educational institutions. However, its incorrect usage leads to the substitution of the learning objectives. Nowadays it is possible to reduce the educational process in universities not only by knowledge mastering, but also teaching students to learn and apply their new knowledge and information as effective, as it is possible. Numerous theoretical and practical research characteristics of the information technology in the students’ educational process claim that this approach is a response to students’ social demands and needs, since it contributes to the formation of professional competence of future professionals. One of the most important factors that significantly effects the quality of education is the usage of modern information technologies. Modern graduate students should have special professional tools and solve working problems, using information systems. Thus, the introduction of innovative information technologies in higher educational institutions enables future professionals to expand their potential abilities and encourages active learning.


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