Features of Organizational Work with the Textbook as an Important Component of the Professional Competence of the Future Teacher





curriculum, modern requirements, tutorial, organizational work, the future teacher's professional competence, textbooks


Introduction. Due to the fast changing world the requirements towards education are also rapidly changing. New social challenges, expectations and demands in education change schools into institutions with modern aims and social contracts. The role of future teacher has changed too. The major task for a new teacher is to set goals on problem-based learning. A textbook can serve different purposes for teachers and remains the most common resource of knowledge.

Aim of the study. The article analyzes the special aspects of the organizational work with the textbook, as a particularly important component of professional competence of future teachers. The research defines the modern requirements to the school textbook, its functions, the characteristic principles of the formation of the educational material in the textbook, as well as the basis of its design. This paper investigates the essence of textbooks for teachers of foreign language, analyzes and systemizes the scientific approaches and evaluates the traditional methods of teaching, suggests modern innovative teaching methods based on textbooks that can be used in sending and receiving information to the students

Materials and methods. For achieving the aim of the paper we used psychological, pedagogical and linguistic research and involved 60 teachers. The research tool was the author’s own survey questionnaire. Participation in the study was voluntary and anonymous. The study included 20 multiple-choice questions. Data were collected through written questionnaire of 60 participant teachers. The fundamental descriptive observational study of the questionnaire was made and carried out by the specialists of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University and based on the theoretical and methodological, psychological approaches of Ukrainian and foreign scientists.

Results and discussions. The results obtained proved textbook assists managing a lesson, saves time, gives direction to lessons, guides discussion, facilitates in giving homework, makes teaching easier, better organized, more convenient. The textbook has to suit the learners’ needs and teachers’ choices in order to change tasks and exercises, to rephrase instructions, to use the assignments in terms of their length of time.

Conclusions. As the result of performed analysis of scientific literature and the answers of teachers it has been concluded that the textbook is one resource among many others to promote foreign language learning. It is also the main guidance for lesson planning. The analysis showed that textbooks are used although teachers might use optional textbooks out of obligation. The teachers expect a textbook to have texts, written and oral activities, cultural differences and grammar explanation.


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