Social-Ecological Demand for the Training Specialists in Environmental Monitoring




environmental monitoring, subjects of monitoring system, government agencies, authorities


The State Environmental Monitoring System includes statutory provisions governing and defining responsibilities of its structural subdivision to ensure the provision of socio-economic and environmentally safe development of the society, however, they are not fulfilled and they do not meet the task of the sustainability principles. To solve this problem it is necessary to train specialists on environmental monitoring using eco-system approach. Special attention should be given to the formation of professional competencies on environmental monitoring at experts in environmental engineering within the system of postgraduate education to make them able to solve complex strategic problems.

The structural organization of the State Environmental Monitoring in Ukraine has been analyzed and state and departmental institutions, customers, specialists at different levels of monitoring (global, national, local) have been identified. The necessity of training specialists in ecology according to sectoral purpose and forming their corresponding professional competencies has been defined, in particular, the State Agency for Water Resources requires specialists with established professional competencies of organization and conduction of water objects monitoring, with skills of surface water quality assessment, analysis, forecasting and modeling environmental situations at these objects. The structural and organizational scheme for socio-environmental public demand for training specialists in environmental monitoring has been developed.

The social and environmental needs of society for specialists in environmental monitoring at the levels and types of institutional organization have been defined: Sustainable Development (natural resources manager, trainee researcher); sectoral purpose and types of natural resources management (the state inspector of technogenic and environmental control, public inspector of land use and protection, water use inspector); Special environmental monitoring (protected areas inspector, specialist in remote sensing and aerospace monitoring, specialist in geosystem environmental monitoring).

In the future, further research will take the form of the scientific and methodical system of training, retraining and professional development of specialists in environmental monitoring and the model of their training.


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Международный стандарт ISO 4225-80. Качество воздуха. – Общие положения : словарь.

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Офіційний сайт Міністерства екології та природних ресурсів [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу до ресурсу :

