Cultural and Educational Bases of Czech Museums Activities (Based on the Example of the Science Center "Techmania" in City Plzen)




cultural and educational work, Сzech children's museum, interactive learning, scientific center, museum of science and technology


The article discusses the activities of Czech children's museum "Science Center "Teсhmania"" in city Plzen in the Czech Republic, which teaches and develops children with the help of interactive technologies. They influence on the formation of personality competency of the museum educator, helping to carry out efficiently the educational process, promote the effective implementation of education in terms of the museum environment. The article is devoted to a definition of the place and the role of the pedagogy of museum in organization of the cultural and educational process in museum. The role of the children's museum in non-formal education in the Czech Republic is described. There are shown the directions of scientific and technical education in the form of a game, using the latest technological advances (the usage of 3D-cinema, program of children's groups, the development of museum infrastructure). The necessity of introducing such work experience in Ukraine is shown. Borrowing the experience of foreign colleagues is important because the activities of our museums sometimes require radical restructuring. The introduction of close cooperation with such educational institutions like the museum "Teсhmania" is important, and high scientific and technical level remains an important issue as well, worthy of imitation. Prospects for further development of this problem lies in the consideration of other foreign museums that will enable national museums to adopt better and increase efficiency.


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