The Theoretical Aspect of Training Future Teachers to Formation of Pupils' Value Orientations in Terms of Civilizational Changes
moral education, values, values orientations, interiorization, the formation of values orientations, civilization changes, innovative social developmentAbstract
In the research there are analyzed theoretical and methodical basis of values orientations formation of future secondary school teachers. It is elaborated the model of scientific-methodical providing of staged forming of values orientations of future secondary school teachers during the professional training; it is grounded the necessity and it is proved the topicality of implementation of different aspect and multilevel pedagogical conception of forming of values orientations as the source of development of moral personality of future secondary school teacher; it is represented the author's scientific-methodical resource on forming of values orientations of future secondary school teachers during the process of educational studies and extra-curricular work at high educational establishments.
It is proved that due to the implementation of model of forming of values orientations of future secondary school teachers and due to the scientific-methodical system of its staged providing it is possible to increase significantly the effectiveness of training of future specialists of secondary school for the pedagogical activity.
It is proved that the method of the gradual development of the values orientations of students can be effective in the condition of a positive attitude of future teachers of secondary school to pedagogical activity; of continuity of the formation of values orientations; the greening of the content of humanitarian disciplines.
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