Pedagogical Practice in the Training of the Future Teacher-Philologist of Dual Profile: Past and Present




педагогічна практика студентів, попередній досвід, вчитель-філолог подвійного профілю


The article analyzes the features of pedagogical school practice in the system of training the future teacher-philologist of dual profile.

The author emphasizes that in today's educational reform there is the urgent need for strengthening the role of the school practice. With the help of the concrete historical and comparative analysis method, the author studies the previous experience of teaching practice in training teacher-philologist of dual profile at the philological faculties and the faculties of foreign languages of pedagogical universities in Ukraine.

To analyze the characteristics of the school practice of students-philologists, the researcher elects the 1980s, because it was the period of active development of the dual specialties in teacher training in the former Soviet Union because of a rapid demographical increase of the number of school-children, and, consequently, of classes and schools. The author singles out difficulties during pedagogical practice that arose both from schools and from educational institutions. Thus, there were the following problems found out: it was impossible to place all students in municipal schools; pedagogical practice of graduate students took place in rural schools in September, when pupils were involved in agricultural work; pedagogical practice of students of all faculties took place at the same time, that’s why the departments of pedagogy and psychology could not fully carry out their management; there was not enough experienced trainers and teachers to control the pedagogical practice of students; it was difficult to harmonize schedules of institute classes that were organized e in 2 shifts with the school schedule to allow visiting lessons by practice supervisors. The author compares the features of pedagogical practice in the 1980s and nowadays.

The researcher attempts to assess the previous experience of pedagogical practice of student-philologists and draws conclusions about the importance of its use to improve the current training of the teacher-philologist of dual profile.


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