The Logic of Generation, Development and Transformation of the Idea (a Case Study on the Pupil’s Agency)
ідея, логіка, генерування, апробація, впровадження, розвиток, трансформація, суб’єктність особистості школяра, ХХ століттяAbstract
This research deals with the developmental peculiarities of the idea of the pupil’s agency from a position of formal, psychological and pedagogical logic. Taking into account the determinism of creating the idea by the laws of logic, creative thinking and obvious and hidden conditions in the assessment of the situation, the suggested approach is considered to be relevant. In addition, there is an urgent need to determine the genesis of the ideas of the national educational area that influenced the consideration of the pupil’s personality in the dimensions of agency.
The material of the research consists of publications on the study of national historical and pedagogical process in the twentieth century. This made it possible to determine the context of generating ideas about the pupil’s personality in the national pedagogical discourse of the twentieth century. Application of the problem-chronological method helped to identify current trends in the period studied as to the perception of the pupil as personality in connection with social, culturological processes as well as attempts to reform the educational system or its individual components.
The results obtained focus on the analysis of the concept of "idea", determine its place in understanding the conceptual direction of educational change taking into account the importance of finding the origins of the formation of ideas about "agency" as a new category for pedagogy. There have been described the factors generating pedagogical ideas in the context of the research on agency of the pupil’s personality. Among them are intellectual factors, factors of the information field, peculiarities of the environment, specific characteristics of the idea and the generation process itself. According to the suggested methods of generating ideas about agency, there has been traced the impact of organizational pedagogical and semantic determinants on the development of the ideas about agency of the pupil’s personality in the national pedagogical discourse of the twentieth century.
The main conclusion of the research: in the history of the educational thought and educational system of Ukraine in different periods of the twentieth century we can trace syncretism that, on the one hand, determines progressive views on the pupil’s personality, the need for his/her active involvement in education and upbringing, uncontrolled innovation, and on the other hand, monoideological (despite pluralism, achievements of the "restructuring"), the social order imposed from the outside. Whereas the development a priori involves solving a series of contradictions, it is believed that the best battle of ideas reflects the establishment of scientific knowledge.
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