The Peculiarities of Test-Oriented Training of Servicemen in Foreign Languages in Accordance with STANAG 6001 Standard Language Levels




foreign language training of servicemen, STANAG 6001 standard language levels, forms and methods of training servicemen


Consideration is given to the peculiarities of test-oriented training of servicemen in foreign languages in accordance with STANAG 6001 standard language levels. The emphasis is laid on the analysis related to the stages of foreign language training of servicemen in higher military educational establishment. The part played by the communicative approach to the above training with respect to the four types of communicative activities is revealed. The paper also highlights the forms and methods of training servicemen with the aim of preparing them to STANAG 6001 tests.

The paper also reveals computerized training, represented by Internet classes. Consideration is also being given to the importance of different types of briefings in foreign language training of military students. It also suggests applying the situation method the choice of which requires the teaching technique. The authors reveal the specific situations of different types: exercise, illustration, evaluation, request of information as well as presentation and problems. The emphasis is laid on the independent work of military students as one of the main methods of studying at the higher educational establishment.

Authors prove that a well-organized work at the self-access centre lead to mastering of independent planning in the process of carrying out creative tasks.


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