Development of the Creative Talent of the Future Specialist in the Open Educational Environment of the University: Practical Aspect




creative talent, creativity, creative personality, open educational environment of the University, traditional and innovative forms of learning, extracurricular educational activities


The article is devoted to the problem of formation of creativity of students in the process of studying the Ukrainian language and literature. The purpose of this article is based on research of Ukrainian and foreign scientists to determine the place and value of literature as an art form in the development of creative giftedness in terms of classroom and individual students' independent work. As the material for study the complex creative projects were initiated by teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature training and the research Institute of pedagogy of the University. The author cites the example of the most effective methods and forms of collaboration with gifted students (a competition of reciters of poetry, public presentation of student essays, literal works dramatisation, literal festival of the online readers). Describing the literary art work of the staff of the Department of linguamethodical and culture of professional speech, the researcher insists on the leading role of a teacher of Russian language and literature in the development of creative giftedness of future specialists, which are not just passively performs consultative and coordinating role while students work on artwork, and is also a generator of ideas, literary and linguistic authority and creative personality.

As a conclusion we would like to say that the classroom work with students has the goal to be bright, exciting resulting in creative projects. The openness of the educational environment of the University is to become a centre of science, culture and art in cities, regions, country and beyond.


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