Developing Tourist Information Materials in the Course of Teaching a Foreign Language to Students Specializing in Tourism.
information board, tourist information materials, hands-on approach to teaching a foreign language, professional training of tourism managersAbstract
The issue of making the city of Zhytomyr attractive to visitors from Ukraine and abroad is directly related to the resources available for tourists. Despite the rich cultural heritage, having no tourist information office, the city cannot provide its visitors with information materials, tourist information and other resources required to promote the city. Therefore, there is a current need to teach and prepare future managers in the sphere of tourism who are capable of developing the materials for tourists and presenting them in the way to draw visitors to Zhytomyr and the region.
The article is aimed at defining the scope of knowledge and skills to be acquired by students specializing in tourism management in order to develop information boards and materials for English-speaking tourists. For that purpose the author develops the project task that takes students through the stages of developing an information board for tourists; compiles the list of most common words and phrases in English to be used in the tourist product developed by the students; and develops the framework of local heritage knowledge to be internalized by students specializing in tourism management.
The suggested project stages are as follows: 1) gathering and analyzing information on local heritage and logistics; 2) acquiring language material, analyzing English-speaking resources for tourists to ensure proper linguistic appeal of the final product; 3) developing information materials for tourists (selecting the subject matter, categorizing information, developing the textual matter and design); 4) Preparing and presenting the information board for tourists visiting Zhytomyr.
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