System Mechanisms of Application of Health Technologies in Extracurricular Forms of Physical Education Classes
physical education, health technologies, system mechanisms, forms of employmentAbstract
System cognition and transformation of the methodical system of application of health technologies in the process of physical education involved the consideration of existent object of activity in theoretical and practical aspects as a system. Methods and organization of research. The research was conducted in three stages in National University of Water and Environmental Engineering during 2010–2016 years. The results of Sports and athletics meeting of the campus were analyzed after the types of sports and quantitative composition of participants in the last few years (in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 years). It is set that the number of the competitors in the last six years has increased (10, 28 % in 2015/2016 academic year in relation to 7, 90 % in 2010 / 2011 academic year). In the research work theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature is conducted, pedagogical experience of domestic and foreign higher educational establishments is studied. This made it possible to determine the composition, structure and organization of the elements and parts of the methodical system, to identify the main directions of cooperation between them. In the article the experience of application of health technologies, which is based on the use of facilities and forms of physical education classes, is exposed. Classifying the forms of physical training of students in the special educational separation, pointed out that each of them played the important value in the update of the methodical system of application of health technologies in the process of physical education. It is proved that the greatest effect in achieving the goal of the methodical system can be attained on condition of their close intercommunication. Process of application of health technologies domiciliary of students is a difficult multicomponent system, which includes subsystems of blocks, objects and subjects of activity, logistics, personnel, informative support and other components. Each block of the system consists of elements with ties, functional and informative characteristics for each of them. At relative independence they are closely linked within the overall system. For basis of introduction of pedagogical technologies in educational space of modern higher educational establishment should be fixed rule which declares not strict dependence on their scheduled physical education classes, but their systematic organization both in the process of educational and extracurricular activities.
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