Motivation as the Basis for the Professional Language Competence Formation for Future Intelligence Officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine




military highly specialized language training, professionally oriented terminology, motivation resource, professional communication, translation transformations


The paper highlights the main motivation aspects of military highly specialized language training of future intelligence officers of Ukrainian Armed Forces. The motivation resources for forming the professional foreign language competence of military students of higher military educational establishments are determined. The effective conditions for studying professional terminology as the basis for the skills of a future expert are specified. The necessity of organizing an effective training process of studying professional terms is substantiated with the aim of creating the most effective conditions for learning professional terms for terminology, the latter being the basis of professional communication. The algorithm for introducing highly specialized terminology is outlined in order to better comprehend and reveal the essence of the concept and structure of the terms. The emphasis is laid on the technique of introducing highly specialized terminology. Thus the process of foreign language classes organization makes it possible to master professional texts in the original. The authors maintain that main methods of rendering contemporary English military vocabulary (single- and multi-component terminology, abbreviations and shortenings, set terminological units, neologisms) into Ukrainian are as follows: lexical equivalent translation, transformation translation borrowing (transcription / transliteration), descriptive translation, loan translation and others. The difficulties in rendering military vocabulary of the NATO publications are related to the pragmatic aspects of translation.


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