Cultural Competence as a Dominant Component in the System of Professional Competences of Prospective Officers




competent approach, cultural competence, problems of cultural development and training, prospective officers


The article provides information regarding the problems of cultural development and professional training of prospective officers. The results are presented in two main sections. The first section contains the discussion of the importance of competent approach and cultural competence in the system of cadets’ professional training in the course of their future professional activity. It also contains the analysis of cultural competence of the prospective officers in modern system of higher military education in the conditions of active phase of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reforming. In the research the cultural competence appears as a basic element which determines the system of prospective officer professional competences. The professional activities requires of the military specialist to be effective and creative in different interpersonal relationships according to modern cultural education requirements (building mutual trust relations, effective communication, collaboration with people of different background and successful adaptation to social environment in any circumstances; revealing critical thinking, making a systematic analysis of the problem situations, making decisions quickly in the conditions of vital threat; identifying conflicts and solving them by making unconventional decisions; generating original ideas, expressing creativity) being major addition to professional competences. The second section provides the short analysis of the expected outcomes (that is competences) in cadets’ academic development according to the appropriate level of higher education. The results of the theoretical analysis present the contradictions and drawbacks in cultural education and professional training of the prospective officers, which require special research and development of an acmeological model of the cultural education and professional training of a prospective military specialist for achieving the highest level of development. In the light of acmeological approach the continuous self-development and self-improvement, high achievements motivation and good results and success aspiration in professional activities appear the compliment personality features of an officer.


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