Development of the Methodological Support for Future Social Sphere Specialists Bilingual Training




teaching complex, educational and methodological support, bilingual training


This article shows the structure and content of the methodological support for future social sphere specialists' bilingual training, developed by the Department of Social Technologies of the Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. To implement the principle of integrity, designing a system of bilingual professional training for future social sphere specialists, the process of bilingual teaching at the university was divided into stages: covering stage (I-IV semesters of studying), additional stage (V-VIII semesters of studying), parity stage (I-II semesters of master’s degree), evolutionary stage (III semester of master’s degree). Teaching materials have been developed to each of these stages that are generally formed a package of teaching materials for bilingual training of social sphere future specialists, featuring by variety, complexity, meeting the educational program of social sphere specialists training, covering all learning activities of students in bilingual teaching. It was proved that bilingual education is a necessary part of modern teaching system in higher educational institutions, which requires further studying and development from the scientific and methodological points of view. The key to successful implementation of bilingual training in the educational process must be carefully designed methodological support, which is the main component of the whole process of training in modern university. Implementation of bilingual training within university will provide conscious attitude of future social sphere specialist to the profession and expand opportunities for adaptation of future specialist in different social, informational, scientific realities.


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