Problem of Competence Approach Realization during the Process of Students’ Language Training at Secondary Schools




communication, competence approach, communicative approach, communicative competence, linguistic competence, speech competence


In the article the author investigates the problems of forming of communicative competence in secondary schools. The concept of communicative approach is analyzed in the scientific literature, defined the importance of communicative competence of pupils of secondary schools, focuses on issues of competence of language education, including pupils’ poor motivation training . The author analyzes the process of formation of communicative competence in the context of the current Ukrainian language policy, focuses on the communicative approach as one of the priority and emphasizes the importance of the relationship between school language education and real needs of our society. The author notes that modern communicative focus of the educational process in educational institutions will create opportunities to realize value, development and educational aspects of the Ukrainian language as a school subject. In modern teaching methodology the implementation of communicative approach ensures the creation of a special space for child’s training; in which any pupil choose his own way of activity. Linguistic competence is a broad term which includes linguistic or grammatical competence, sociolinguistic or socio-cultural competence. Linguistic and communicative competence must combine to produce, general, overall, language proficiency which can be referred to as integration Although language competence does not determine the success of communication, but creates the conditions for participation in the communication process, which affect both extralinguistic (psychological, social, national, history, age, etc.) and intralinguistic (complexity of the language system) factors.


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