Raising the Level of Students' Foreign Communicative Competence in the Field of International Relations on the Material of Ted Talk





foreign communicative competence, video resources, professional communicative preparation, ''international relation'' students, TED talk, communicative strategies and tactics


The specific of the communicative approach is highlighted and its influence on the professional communicative competence of international relations students. The results of the research are described, and it is proved the effectiveness of communicative techniques, improving the level of foreign communicative competence of the students of international relations based on TED talk materials. It is mentioned that the formation of a professional communicative preparation was provided on the different stages of the professional communicative competence approbation of students of international relations. The TED talk video is created from TED presentation (technology, entertainment, design) conferences or important events which took place in the world. TED talks are mostly limited till 18 minutes but there are exceptions. TEDx website's explanation of selection criteria: TED looks for engaging, charismatic speakers whose talks expose new ideas that are supported by concrete evidence and are relevant to a broad, international audience. The first TED conference was in 1984; the conference has been held annually since 1990. Over the years, presenters of TED talks have included Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Bono, Jane Goodall, Malcolm Gladwell, Gordon Brown, Richard Dawkins Mike Rowe, Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Vint Cerf. So, the intensive communicative approach in teaching English is of great value and has great retrospect into the future, which allows the real and natural communicative process and approaching to the foreign communicative environment on condition of realization the system of communicative preparation by means of audiovisual resources in educational process, creating the authentic atmosphere.


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