Formation of Speech Competence of Students in the Process of Mastering the Methodology of Ukrainian Language




speech competence, , methodology of Ukrainian language, speech skills, enrichment of student's speech, criteria expressions


The purpose of this article is to point out the need to consider a number of criteria and skills required for the formation of speaking competence of students-philologists and pupils of secondary schools. The article emphasizes the need of mastering speech competence. There are shown basic communication skills to be in shape for training students in higher education teaching areas. The author interprets different points of view concerning the problem; considers scientific principles of creating situational tasks and the role of the latter in simulating pupils’ coherent speech; analyses the experience gained in solving the problem and substantiates some ways of its employment at language lessons with good prospects. There is highlighted the importance of systematic work on enriching speech reserve of students, the basic criteria for the formation of high-quality speech utterance are determined (thematic, informative content, linguistic and structural, situational, heuristic, activity oriented, etc.). In terms of mastering specific language activities, particularly at the methodology lessons in Ukrainian language, it is important to pay attention of students and teachers to the list of necessary communicative skills and skills to take into account a number of criteria that will facilitate the ability to correctly build own statement, realize the communication process, achieving this desired communication goals. Prospects for further development of this problem lies in the detailed examination of each of these criteria, expanding their range, identifying and analyzing the factors, activities that contribute to the formation of speaking competence of students-philologists.


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