magnates, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, art, orchestra, choirAbstract
The changes taking place in the education system of Ukraine recently have a purpose to educate an intelligent, competent, creative person. To solve this task, it is urgently necessary to study the creative achievements of the past. Today, the artistic traditions of a powerful state – the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth are covered insufficiently and incompletely.
This is a territory with rich educational traditions of numerous ethnic minorities, in whose cross-cultural relations there were often various artistic trends that were both mutually enriched and polarized. Insufficient study of their heritage, coupled with biased ideological assessments, requires revision and possibly rethinking. Therefore, it becomes clear that it is too early to "collect wisdom from all planets", as the UNESCO program calls for, when you do not know your own history.
The development of estate musical art was already the subject of special scientific analysis, but it was in the Polish history of pedagogy and during the XVIII century. For various reasons, the Ukrainian musicological discourse completely lacks generalizing works devoted to the analysis of the bicentennial musical culture at the courts of magnates. This topic has repeatedly fallen into the focus of musicologists' attention, but it was limited to only a few topics. These are the chapels of Polish kings, the serf chapels of Lords (and this is already the XIX century) and the position of musicians at the courts of the Russian tsars.
One of the characteristic features of the so-called Lithuanian-Polish era of Russian history (with the exception of the last 50-70 years) is its impersonality. One can search for a long time for the causes of this phenomenon, but the fact remains: from the middle of the XIV to the middle of the XV century. We have only a gallery of portraits (sometimes quite sketchy) of Lithuanian princes, and in the history of the next century, as M. Hrushevsky noted, the names of only a few Ukrainians were engraved, who "played a significant role in public life, road, service to the state" [1: 4]. The Lithuanian-Polish era is three centuries full of mysteries and paradoxes. They seemed to have fallen out of the memory of society. It seems that between the invasion of Khan Batu and the liquidation of the Zaporozhian Sich in the history of the state was a deaf cultural intermission (even despite the presence of the Golden Age of the Cossacks in history). However, the events that took place in a limited society of princely or count's estates lacked neither historical grandeur nor drama.
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