pedagogical team, systematic support, psychological security, retrospective, adjustment modelAbstract
The article states that in order to create a competitive educational institution, management needs to use team management technologies. The research considers the issue of creating systematic support for pedagogical teams, namely assessment and analysis of a number of factors influencing the successful work of the pedagogical team and the formation of systematic support for team development using retrospective techniques and team adjustments.
According to the results of the research, which is based on the Michigan model of leadership, the existing difficulties in the functioning of college teams were analyzed. The survey identified that at this stage of development, not all members of the college staff teams have a clear understanding of the overall goal (86.9 %) and the impact of teamwork on the overall result (78.2 %). Their unequal contribution to achieving the goal was also noted (73.9 %). The survey indicates that not all teams have a combination of skills at the highest level, and team members who have certain skills are not always interested in helping colleagues (82.6 %). Teams are quite high spirited and motivated even in difficult periods (82.6 %), the teams hold constructive discussions about misunderstandings and problems, regularly find new opportunities to find information and solve complex problems, appreciate the achievements of colleagues (86.9 %). Thus, it turned out that team leaders motivate not all team members to successfully implement projects (78.2 %), but provide management and prompt feedback, consult with team members to remove obstacles and difficulties in the work and ensure team progress (86.9 %).
Given the identified weak spots of the pedagogical teams of the college and the factors influencing their work, systematic support, which consists in the formation of psychological security, constant analysis of team development and retrospectives, swell as models of adjustment for team development to improve their efficiency were created.
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