fundamental mathematical training, electronics and telecommunications, competence approach, activity approach, synergetic approachAbstract
The methodology of the educational process and mathematical training of future bachelors in the field of electronics and telecommunications, in particular, is due to a large number of approaches and methods. Traditional approaches include: knowledge-centric, systemic, activity, complex, personality-oriented, personality-activity; the new approaches include situational, contextual, informational, ergonomic, competence and others. The paper analyzes the educational and professional programs of specialties in the field of 17 Electronics and Telecommunications 15 technical HEIs to determine the number of hours allocated for the study of higher mathematics. The analysis allowed us to conclude that an average of 16.5 credits were allocated for the study of higher mathematics, which is about 7 % of the total number of credits (240 credits) allocated for general training of future technicians in electronics and telecommunications. Such a narrow time frame for the study of a fundamentally radically important discipline – Higher Mathematics, encourages the search for methodologically new approaches in the educational process. The article analyzes and reveals the essence of the main approaches that help increase the level of mathematical training of future technicians, and can also be introduced into the process of general professional training of future technicians.
Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of systemic, personal, activity, reflexive, competence, synergetic approaches.
The modern education system provides for the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the learning process, including the study of higher mathematics. Such implementation is most effective when ICT is included in the educational and methodological complexes, i.e. the combination of software and accompanying printed materials is optimal. The use of modern ICT tools in the educational process, as well as any traditional means and systems of education, should be based on the general principles of learning; principles of scientificity and systematicity; consciousness of creative activity of students in education; the principle of clarity, the principle of strength of knowledge acquisition, formation of skills and abilities; the principle of a differentiated approach to the teaching of each student under the conditions of collective work of the group; the principle of developmental learning.
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