teaching methods, foreign business language education, higher education, the second bachelor's degree students, the second bachelor's degree studentsthe second bachelor's degree students, teacher’s qualificationAbstract
In globalized and progressive world more stringent requirements to high institutions are set. Future specialist in international relations not only should be familiarized with professional business competences including a certain number of skills, but due to the principles of the State Educational Standarts in Ukraine they should be able to read foreign scientific and technical literature, find out necessary information and apply the results in a proper way in their professional activity in foreign languages as well. The students’ level of mastering the language directly depends on the teaching methods being used.
It could be observed during all its history the foreign business language teaching methods changed a lot of times emphasizing reading, translating, audition or combining these processes. Each method possesses its own certain importance and answers the specifically set pedagogical tasks e.g. brainstorming, audio-visual aids, group activities etc. The teaching literature review makes it possible to state that nowadays there is no an ideal, universal method yet that would enable to cover all the aspects in such a short time given to the foreign business language teaching-learning in higher institutions. The known combination of the existing methods and the teacher’s qualification, therefore, enables to make the lectures interesting and more effective. Methods: The given research paper is based on the theoratical material of the appliance of various teaching business foreign language methods for the second bachelor's degree students based on the faculty of international relations, as well as on the basis of the results from questioning the second bachelor's degree students who study foreign languages for special purposes in the field of international relations professions, and also of the results from questioning teachers specializing in teaching foreign languages for special purposes. Results: In the students’ opinion, the most effective methods of teaching foreign languages for special purposes in the field of international relations professions are the following: brainstorming method, in-group committee work and audio-visual aids.
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