


storytelling, method, plot, character, educational process, training of medical specialists


The article presents the results of scientific analysis of the concept of "storytelling" as a method of teaching, and substantiates its effectiveness in the process of teaching social science and humanitarian disciplines in medical institutions of higher education. Based on the analysis of scientific sources conducted, it was concluded that the method of storytelling provides a wide space for teachers and students allowing their creative cooperation, which results in deep knowledge and personal development of the student. It also helps to increase motivation to learn, creates a healthy psychological microclimate in the team, amplifies and stimulates students’ achievement. The importance of storytelling in the formation of communication skills in future medical professionals is determined; the effectiveness of using this innovative method at different stages of practical training is substantiated; the approximate structure of sample story is determined, as well as the variants of plot that can be used in accordance with the educational purpose are described in detail, and examples of practical implementation of stories in the context of teaching social sciences and humanities in medical institutions of higher education are provided, namely: "Ukrainian language (professionally oriented)", "History of medicine". The possibilities of using technical teaching aids, online tools and mobile applications to create stories and their use in pedagogical practice are identified. The further prospects of scientific research in a certain direction, which may relate to measuring the effectiveness of the method of pedagogical storytelling by conducting a survey among students and/or teaching staff with the further statistical analysis of the data obtained, as well as the formation of guidelines for effective use of storytelling in educational sphere of the Healthcare industry.


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