


distance technologies, distance learning, teachers, learning foreign languages, synchronous and asynchronous tools


In the context of global changes in education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number and capabilities of distance technology, the availability of the Internet worldwide raises the importance of the issue of studying the use of distance technology in education, including foreign language learning. The paper finds that the distance learning process is carried out using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous tools, while maintaining flexibility and convenience and expanding the quality and efficiency of both methods of communication. The most effective forms of organizing foreign language classes with the use of distance technologies have been identified. Factors that should be taken into account when working with distance technologies in the process of learning a foreign language are identified: interface, the ability to present a variety of materials, including audio and video, presentations and links to useful Internet resources, automatic calculation of response statistics and activity monitoring. A brief description of some techniques and methods of teaching English remotely is given, their specificity is analyzed. The author also presents the main disadvantages and advantages of using distance technologies by teachers in the process of learning foreign languages, as well as outlines the prospects for their further effective use. It is emphasized that the advantages of distance learning technologies, such as the availability of materials, their ease of usage and the ability to manage the learning process are undeniable. It is stated that there are three main principles on which the distance education system is based: learn from native speakers, learn from authentic material, learn for free. The author also emphasizes that teacher’s feedback is an important factor in distance learning. It was found that a well-organized educational process using distance technologies can make learning a foreign language more effective and attractive to all motivated and modern people, regardless of their age, location and financial capabilities.


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