Vocational Education, Vocational Education Institution, tourism organization agent, SMART-complex, digital technologies, quality of educationAbstract
The article analyzes the impact of information technology on the development of education. It is noted that the issues of informatization and digitalization of education are one of the key in the state policy of Ukraine. The main aspects of the transformation of educational services are emphasized, it is noted that education based on SMART-technologies is a global trend in the organization of the educational process. The existence of existing problems in the formation of a modern information and educational environment, the creation of electronic learning tools, the development of SMART-complexes. It is noted that these issues are especially relevant for Vocational Education.
The experience of development and use of SMART-complexes in the training of future specialists in the tourism industry is described. The compliance of the developed SMART-complex with the Standard of Vocational Eeducation 4221.N.79.00-2017 in the profession "Agent for the organization of tourism" was traced. The structure of the SMART-complex is described in detail, the characteristic features of separate modules are allocated and described: "Information data processing in the tourist branch", "Organization of tourist activity", "Organization of transport transportations". It is indicated that these modules, in addition to the block of theoretical material, contain blocks of laboratory (practical) work, blocks of test tasks, glossaries, presentations. The expediency of using the developed SMART-complex during the organization of the educational process by distance learning and in blended learning is proved. The effectiveness of the use of this complex in the educational process of Vinnytsia High Vocational School of Public Service is determined, namely: data on the growth of high and sufficient level of knowledge of students in vocational and theoretical and vocational training, emphasis on high percentage of information, emphasis is placed on the dynamics of motivating students to learn, the development of cognitive interest.
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