The Individual as a Subject of Educational and Social Researches
Individual case, the method of research, strategy research, individual human destinies, child, student, teacher as researcher, case study, qualitative researchAbstract
The method of individual cases is a way of research, which involves the analysis of individual human lives, involved in specific educational situations. It can also analyze specific educational phenomena from the perspective of individual human biography, to develop a diagnosis of the case or the phenomenon and take therapeutic measures.
The article deals with the method they developed to recognize complex situations, their essence and reason. It was composed in practical purposes, to remove irregularities or emergency situations in individual human fate. The specific origins of this method and strict relationship with the method of social work justify the conditions of social life of the individual, the expected effect of therapeutic and forecasting changes.
The term ''case'' in ''case study'' refers to various individuals living and working in specific social environments that stand out from others, for example from their peers at school or children in kindergarten. If someone deviates from the generally accepted norm, it is not regarded as a defect. Researcher (also an educator or teacher) a single case refers to a well-known theory. If the case is not reflected in his theory, it can contribute to the enrichment and even changes and transformations.
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