Nurturing the Basic Qualities of the Preschool Age Identity: Program Provisions Analysis
preschool-aged children, preschool educational institution, basic identity qualities, educational program, development and nurturing of children, educational processAbstract
This article presents the analysis results for the program and methodological preschool education documentation in which an issue of nurturing basic identity qualities is performed. It is established that the results of researching the problem of nurturing basic qualities of preschool-aged children influence on the improvement of the program provision content of the educational process in preschool educational institutions and can be a reference point in choosing the strategy of its reorganization. The goal of the article is presentation of the results of the content analysis of the program and methodological documentation, which represent scientific approaches to the development of the basic qualities of preschool-aged children. The following methods were used in the research: analysis, generalization, systematization of the scientific source data with the intention of defining theoretical bases and ways to solve the problem of proactiveness formation in senior preschool-aged children in a role-playing game practically.
Modern changes in the environment and intensive development of society actualize the necessity for formation of basic identity qualities, for instance, proactiveness for further revealing of the capacity of the child which is represented in the content of educational programs for preschool educational institutions of Ukraine. Study and analysis of the modern programs allowed establishing general tendencies in the development of the identity of the preschool-aged child and his basic qualities. Research into such a basic identity quality as proactiveness and implementation of methodological projects with regards to its nurturing in program and methodological provision can be referred to the perspective directions which require further enhanced study.
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