Economic Competence Formation Approaches in the Scientific Literature
economic competency, economic literacy, economic competency formation, economic knowledge, economic educationAbstract
The research has been started with the goal to analyze economic competence formation approaches described and offered for implementation in the scientific literature. The article is a part of the research dealing with the problem of finding an efficient way to form the economic competence of the technical specialties students and professionals. The whole educational trajectory of economic competence formation including pre-school, all school levels, college and the university was observed in the article. Approaches to and expected results of economic literacy for each educational level were studied. Specific development programs, sets of materials and the ways educational institutions interact with pupils, students, parents and potential employers developed by the scientists to form economic competence were analyzed. Due to analysis and generalization, the understanding of the economic knowledge, skills and proficiency levels expected as the result of economic competence formation on each educational trajectory level was formed. Also the recommendations to all parties involved in economic competence formation were highlighted. The future research and development in the area of economic competence of the technical specialties students and professionals are important and necessary for the society and economy of the post-transformative countries. The study of the foreign experience and the activities formation plan were defined as the directions for the future research. Also ''Economics for non- economists'' courses were suggested as a potential basis to form the economic competence of the technical specialties students and professionals.
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