Organizational-Pedagogical Conditions of Free and Open Source Software Using in the Preparation of Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
free software, open source software, pedagogical conditions, training future teachersAbstract
The research is dedicated to the implementation of free and open source software in the training process of future teachers of mathematics, physics and computer science. Different methods are used in the article, such as the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparing, and generalization of the use of the open software experience.
The article deals with the considering and analyzing of the organizational and pedagogical conditions. These conditions are relating to the training of the subject of educational process for the use of software and methodological maintenance. The question of the rational and balanced selection of free and open software is considered and this aspect promotes to the forming of modern world outlook on the informational processes and their realization. The implementation methods of organizational and pedagogical conditions are considered at the current state of education and the steps to further improve of their implementation is proposed. The influence of free and open source software use was analyzed for the training of future teachers and the change of priorities of information using and communication technologies in the future teachers training. The committed organizational and pedagogical conditions of free and open source software application let not only use it harmoniously in the training of future mathematics, physics and computer science teachers, but also turn the given software product from teaching aids into the software component of the informational and educational medium.
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