The Introduction of Innovative Methods of Diagnostics of the Knowledge at Training of Specialists of Engineering Profile
interactive teaching methods, students learning activity, diagnostics of knowledge, forms of control, testing, classroom trainingAbstract
Currently, significant research and practicable for the development and testing of the various systems of pedagogical monitoring is mainly based on the test control of knowledge and skills objects of the educational process. Streamlined and standardised test control systems at the various educational disciplines are being actively implemented and used at all levels of educational activities. Bring the quality control in accordance with modern requirements brings to the fore the problem of creating a scientific and methodologically sound, experimentally proven the test system of the multistage control. The aim of these studies is to determine the theoretical and practical aspects of improving the organization of control of professional knowledge of students of technical specialties of higher educational institutions. The paper presents comparative characteristics of main methods of diagnostics of the knowledge of the applicants of engineering education, among which the selected test. Didactic functions and tasks of pedagogical testing are considered. The introduction of information technologies in educational process allows to improve the quality of professional knowledge, strengthen the motivational aspect and a cognitive interest in students to increase the level of training and mastering skills with modern computer technology, to increase the degree of information security disciplines in the preparation of future professionals, to provide fast feedback and continuous monitoring of the level of professional knowledge, abilities and skills of students. In the course of the study it is proven that testing allows you to implement the operational relationship of the teacher and the student, the student's self-control with self-learning, is an essential component in interactive learning.
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