Education and Upbringing Problem of the Ukrainian Regions at Pages of the Protestant Press (End of XIX-th – Ist part of XX-th Cent.)
education and upbringing, periodicals, protestant press, spiritual and moral influenceAbstract
This article represents the nature and tendency of periodicals of the protestant confession which deals with the additional popularization of the general knowledge within the frame of national educational and cultural movement. The implementation by intellectuals, scientific and pedagogic community of the ideas to serve the common people concerning educational activity was carried out among the Protestants, in particular, through the spiritual and moral influence on children, youth and adults. The means of implementation of the educational tasks by the Protestants were Sunday schools, initiative classes and study groups for young people, family meetings. The importance of education and upbringing problems is indicated in the topics which were covered at pages of the protestant press of the Ukrainian regions. The protestant press headings illustrated information of different fields of knowledge – medical, economic, artistic. Articles and even discussions about the free will, consciousness, free choice, personality value, in particular, of the child favored the widening of personal worldview of the reader. Hence, the press contributed to intellectual, moral and worldview improvement both of the communities of believers and those who were interested in various knowledge and wide informational subject area. The usage of periodicals favored the exchange of ideas, raised the readers′ interest to environment, formed and stimulated everybody the ability to seek the truth, to give proof of personal position and convictions.
Not the least of the factors for the popularization of the protestant periodicals was the usage of public, live and comprehensive language; publication of the articles concerning the woman role in social process, her active participation in the civil life, which gave proof of the progressive opinions of the authors and the proximity of their thoughts to the European ones.
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