Theoretical Fundamentals of the Pedagogical Competence Development among the Pharmaceutical Profile’s Teachers
competency-based approach, competence, competency, professional competence, pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile’s teacherAbstract
The article deals with the theoretical analysis of such concepts as "competency-based approach", "competence", "competency", "professional competence", "pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile’s teacher" as well as it determines their essence and interrelation in the context of educational regulatory documents and scientific researches with the purpose of further comprehensive understanding of the pedagogical competence development problem of the pharmaceutical profile’s teachers.
It is determined that the interpretation of such concepts as "competency-based approach", "competence", "competency", "professional competence", "pedagogical competence of the pharmaceutical profile’s teacher" has some differences associated with the differences of conceptual approaches. The article emphasizes the competency-based approach due to the fact that it determines the results of education, as well as improves and modernizes modern education.
The importance of pedagogical competence which refers to educational and teaching qualifications was found out. Pedagogical competence is an important component of professional integrated competence for pharmaceutical profile’s teachers because it is the basis of professional and educational activities and an indicator of professionalism which is formed during his / her career. Pedagogical competence of pharmaceutical profile’s teachers regarded as an integrated professional and personal characteristic reflecting the level of educational and professional knowledge and skills that ensure the effectiveness of professional and educational activities at the pharmaceutical establishment.
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