Reflection Aspects in the Formation of Intercultural Competence on the Foreign Languages Lessons for Future Experts
reflection, self-knowledge, self-control, intercultural communication, intercultural competence, formationAbstract
The article deals with a reflection as a scientific method, structural component and instrument of intercultural competence formation as a component of professional competence of future specialists in a theoretical and practical relation to the international economy.
The special attention is given to the research of questions, related to the reflection in industry of study the foreign languages. It is found out in the article, that a reflection can be useful not only to self-knowledge but also for self-control and self-perfection in a personality and professional relation. It is also well-proven that most effective in sense of forming of intercultural competence are authentic texts on different transmitters, especially those which contain dialogs.
This article contains information about the practical application of the reflective techniques in a work with authentic audio- and videotexts on the stage of discussion and arranging the role plays and the dialogues. Relating to the clarifying method the special system of questions consists of taking into consideration the reflection and the intensification of motivation.
This work contains enough information on practical application of the indicated method on employments on the example of the German language for future specialists on an international economy. Examples of work with authentic texts of original sources, training of the dialogic broadcasting and discussion of the attained results are made.
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